
Evaluating NFC and Touchscreen Interactions in Collaborative Mobile Pervasive Games
Michael Wolbert, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abdallah El Ali, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Time: Thu 15:30 - 18:00 | Session: Demos and Posters Session | Location: Demos and Posters Area

This paper presents the motivation, design, and pilot evaluation of CountMeIn, a pervasive collaborative game to improve the waiting time experience (e.g., waiting for a train, or traffic light to turn green). We tested two versions of CountMeIn, an NFC-based and touchscreen version in a small pilot study. Our early results showed that the NFC-based version increases collaboration, and was overall more positively perceived than the touchscreen version. We discuss the challenges ahead in deploying CountMeIn in a real-world setting.

MobileHCI 2013 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

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