
An interface for context-aware retrieval of mobile contacts
Vassilios Stefanis, University of Patras / RACTI, Greece
Andreas Komninos, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Athanasios Plessas, University of Patras / RACTI, Greece
John Garofalakis, University of Patras / RACTI, Greece
Time: Thu 15:30 - 18:00 | Session: Demos and Posters Session | Location: Demos and Posters Area

Our work discusses a mobile contact retrieval interface which attempts to contextually predict the contacts a user is likely to need access to, in order to facilitate the retrieval process. We compare our prototype implementation with retrieval from traditional applications (contact list and call log) in a preliminary lab experiment and discuss our findings from user behaviour. We conclude with suggestions on how to improve this interface in order to further enhance the retrieval process.

MobileHCI 2013 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

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